Warehouse Management System

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by WMS Admin, June 29, 2023
Click the “Others” tab on the setting page Toggle on or off to enable or disable DR Number Sequence Type...
by WMS Admin, June 29, 2023
Click the “Product Categories” tab on the setting page On the right side of the page type the existing category...
by WMS Admin, June 29, 2023
Click the “Emails” tab on the setting page Toggle on or off to enable or disable email notifications for PO...
by WMS Admin, June 29, 2023
Click the “Permissions” tab on the setting page Toggle on or off to enable or disable User access for each...
by WMS Admin, June 28, 2023
Click the “General Setting” tab on the setting page Click “Upload Logo” Click “Choose File” Select the file and click...
by WMS Admin, June 28, 2023
Click the “General Setting” tab on the setting page Click fill in the information below: Company Name Owner VAT TIN...
by WMS Admin, June 28, 2023
On the Import tab, click “products or supplier” to direct you to the page Click “Download CVS Template” Type all...
by WMS Admin, June 26, 2023
Go to existing user and select action under supplier name Tick the supplier name you want to perform the action...
by WMS Admin, June 26, 2023
Click “Add new user” on the left side of your page. You will then be redirected to the new User...
by WMS Admin, June 26, 2023
Users -This is where you can manage your system users and add new ones. On the Users tab, click “All...
by WMS Admin, June 26, 2023
Go to existing supplier and select action under supplier name Tick the supplier name you want to perform the action...
by WMS Admin, June 26, 2023
Click “add new supplier” on the left side of your page You will then be redirected to the new Supplier...
by WMS Admin, June 26, 2023
Suppliers -All existing suppliers are tracked on this tab. You can also delete inactive suppliers or add new ones. On...
by WMS Admin, June 26, 2023
Tick the existing RTV you want to download Choose the file type of your choice by clicking the “Download Excel”...
by WMS Admin, June 26, 2023
RTV’s or Return To Vendor All damaged or defective items will be moved to this tab so they will not...
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