Warehouse Management System

WMS Changelog


  • Fixed script vulnerability issue

  • Add additional product fields for assign suppliers
  • Fixed download file data remove unnecessary texts
  • Add modal template for the product import for the list of suppliers ID’s and Names
  • Fixed product import assign categories title issue on UTF8 code special characters


  • Change the updates cheque process to stale status. Remove the staled cheque payment and reset the total amount paid, without resetting the payment transaction. Based on the amount of the staled cheque, the system checks all the transaction invoices in Descending order based on the invoice total amount and less the paid amount on the invoice according to the staled check amount

  • Fixed search error number of record return in invoice page table
  • Removed the global search functionality in Invoice, Purchase Order and Sale Order module
  • Fixed script error on membership status

  • Update the search functionality to include other status
  • Add check number in the customer report payments table
  • Fixed duplicate hook name

  • Update dashboard script request for loading issue

  • Fixed error response statuses
  • Fixed search endpoints parameters to accepts url encoded values
  • Add new endpoint for invoiceable sales orders
  • Add COG Discount information for the product history modal

  • Create new API endpoints ( Purchase Order )
  • Update all the search endpoint method type into GET
  • Update API permission error response

  • Create new API endpoints ( Invoice, Supplier, Customer )
  • Add additional data for the login API response

  • Update page loading into server side request on the report > customer single page

  • Update page loading into server side request on the report > customer page
  • Fixed the sidebar navigation order issue

  • Fixed all report module script error data not loading

  • Add the salesman on both Invoice and Sales Order table filter
  • Fixed the product history modal “read more” functionality

  • Add additional details for the supplier and customer company and contact person name
  • Fixed redirection on create PO instead of receive PO redirect to create new PO
  • Fixed and add price history for the manual and import product functionality
  • Update price history table header and change the Trans no into DR # table column display and data
  • Exclude invoice product with Zero Qty to the product history

  • Add total amount data in invoices data table

  • Deduct invoiced product qty on sales order products
  • Fixed “Plugin header error” upon first activation
  • Update redirection save temporary data to transient instead of global POST variable on invoice form submissions

  • Fixed PO partial delivery
  • Revert the add product on update Invoice
  • Allow DR and customer name to be searchable in the Invoice table


  • Change the data request in all module to be server side request
  • Fixed error on update status on update and create Sales Order not working
  • Update module data table to search query parameter only the SO, PO, Invoice number and Company Name
  • Update total amount for each products in completed PO based only on delivered QTY
  • Add QTY field in the search product for autocomplete when selected
  • Add product cost discount table column in the product price history template
  • Removed the ID column in the completed SO, PO, Invoice and Returns table columns
  • Update Invoice product qty when product return to warehouse


  • Allow to receive PO partial delivery
  • Add new date range filter on the SO pages
  • Add Total Complete SO amount in the dashboard section
  • Add auto complete functionality for the salesman field after customer is selected

  • Display only users in the user table list with declared WMS roles
  • Add product QTY history for the product manual update

  • Add new fields in add / update user for the assigned Salesman. note this will show only for the selected Customer role
  • Update the user table list column to maximize the table space
  • Change the print template table column and update the label “Ordered Qty” to “Qty”
  • Change the PDF font family from default into “Verdana”
  • Display full product description in PO print template

  • Allow create and update PO accept qty. with decimal value
  • Update print default font size from 20px to 22px
  • Update print template header logo align with the Company Name
  • Fixed dashboard load mobile view overlapping issue


  • Fixed print functionality logo issue
  • Update logo upload size into 420px X 240px
  • Update the upload logo data from base64 to .png file format
  • Remove horizontal line in Consignment Receipt print template
  • Adjust font size in print template form 18px to 20px for Delivery and Consignment Receipt
  • Fixed SQL statement error on ORDER BY queries


  • Fixed upload logo placeholder error
  • Fixed SO change status confirmation message
  • Fixed product import, update product based on the product name and SKU
  • Add new filter hook for the print footer credits
  • Fixed Invoice consignment and driver print template display in one page issue
  • Fixed SO rest API endpoint response error no data display
  • Fixed dashboard sidebar menu permission restriction


  • Fixed dashboard mobile responsive display
  • Fixed data table order sort script value
  • Fixed Returns table data display error data
  • Fixed Supplier table data no data display, script error 
  • Fixed pagination SQL query error on all the function helpers
  • Add permission request data response for the PO, SO and Invoice
  • Update SO, PO and Invoice returned data based on the current user role
  • Fixed update product unit field option not selected


  • Fixed users import and allowed to import user roles and password
  • Add import permission settings
  • Fixed user import error notification
  • Allowed to create Invoice for the Completed and Reserved sales order status
  • Fixed bulk action error for the change status “Reserved” error


  • Delete user change to Inactive
  • Add new options for user table list search roles “Inactive Account”
  • Add new fields “User Status” in create and update user data
  • Remove the “Bulk Delete” button for searched “Inactive Account”
  • Inactive user excluded in search customer option in create Sales Order
  • Customer report display all invoices by default
  • Sync membership notification when near expiration


  • Allow qty accepts decimal value
  • Update add, update, view and print templates with the qty decimal value
  • Allow to create PO with ZERO product qty
  • Exclude product with ZERO qty in print template
  • Add export functionality in the Users list page
  • Update the charge invoice template and display maximum 25 products and display multiple pages
  • Add extra space for the print remark for manual instructions


  • Allow qty accepts decimal value
  • Update add, update, view and print templates with the qty decimal value
  • Allow to create PO with ZERO product qty
  • Exclude product with ZERO qty in print template
  • Add export functionality in the Users list page
  • Update the charge invoice template and display maximum 25 products and display multiple pages
  • Add extra space for the print remark for manual instructions


  • Fixed user filter field and display the options
  • Fixed cost price on create PO items with zero price and add notification message
  • Fixed threshold issue on the product table list display include items
  • Add price cost history per supplier in product table list
  • Change the product limit to 30
  • Fixed the print templates to fit all 30 row in one sheet
  • Fixed notification message for the exceed product limit
  • Fixed error for the NAN product cost
  • Add notification when the product added has ZERO retail price
  • Fixed term display value on print template


  • Add new permission for the user access
  • Fixed some misspelled words
  • Allow all subcategory options to display regardless the selected parent category
  • Add user role and company name in users table
  • Add user role name below user name in sidebar information
  • Changed print paper size to Letter
  • Add hook for the list of product unit types


  • Warehouse Management System
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